Our Services

Community Resource Network is a Medicaid and Med-Waiver provider that delivers an array of support services for children, adults and people with disabilities. We constantly advocate to medical and insurance companies, social workers, and state officials and agencies on behalf of our individuals to ensure they are receiving the services they need and deserve. We have an unyielding commitment to the people we serve, and we regard their concerns as concerns of our own.

Companion Services

Our advocates provide dependable service to adults and children who need special help with certain daily activities.

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Life Skills Programs

Our Life Skills Programs provide training as members gain independence, move toward their goals and begin to thrive.

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Personal Care Services

Our compassionate, supportive providers will help you or a loved one accomplish common tasks of daily living.

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Personal Support

Our dependable personal support providers can assist with daily tasks to help enrich individuals’ quality of life.

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Homemaker Services

Our Homemaker Services providers can pick up the slack and let you live without worry.

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Respite Care

The life of a caregiver is hard. Community Resource Network is here to make it easier.

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Speech and O.T.

CRN helps adults and children communicate through speech and occupational therapies.

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CRN provides safe, dependable transportation that connects individuals with programs and services.

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For more information on our services